Upcoming events

A.W.E. (awaken.wisdom.experience)

A deeper exploration into geetha vahini

With Divine grace, SSSIO - USA Region 5 (North Central) has initiated a virtual Satsang series beginning a profound journey into the depths of the Geetha Vahini. This recurring series is set to convene on the first Sunday of each month with Dr. Suresh Govind (member of the Prashanthi Council and Chairman of the Sri Sathya Sai Scriptural Studies Committee of the SSSIO), from Malaysia, being the guest facilitator. ALL ARE WELCOME! 

Join this whatsapp chat to be part of this inspirational circle! Or email reg5ya@sathyasaicenters.org for more details. 

Zoom Meeting : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83953701998?pwd=ak5ab2ZCbHdQdEpwK2JtLzhGMzJLUT09

Meeting ID: 839 5370 1998

Passcode: Enlighten

Join this whatsapp chat to be part of the inspirational circle!

Check out this page for past episode summaries and recordings. 

Monthly meditation session with br. al levy and sister Roseanne levy

Please email reg5ya@sathyasaicenters.org to be part of the Meditation group. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 375 331 8125
Passcode: letsbesafe     

Please use this link to access past session recordings.