
Sri sathya sai center of cincinnati-Dayton

(CinDay SSBC)

Meeting location : Sri Sai Baba Temple of Greater Cincinnati

723 Western Row Rd, Mason OH 45040

Note: At the Location you will see a huge signboard stating 'Sri Sai Baba Temple' with entrance and exit signs. Once you park and enter through the front entrance, please go further inside towards the back door of the temple. There is a big hall near the back, with Sri Sathya Sai Baba's life -size photo and blue 'Prashanthi Nilayam' themed walls. 

Meeting times : 

Contact : 

Center Activities :

Sri Sai Baba Temple (Mason, OH) - Front Entrance View

Sri Sai Baba Temple - Inner Pathway to the Sathya Sai Bhajan Hall

Sathya Sai Center Bhajan Hall - Sri Sathya Sai Center of Cincinnati-Dayton